Friday, December 29, 2006

1st Time Posting!!

Awwww... this is the 1st time I created a blog.. I wonder how to make it beautiful n cool! hehehe..
ermm... abt my life...
I love my life..
n because I love my life.. I'll hate myself sumtimes..but I admire myself loads...
coz... I can die to make ppl happy..
I can die for my frenz n family...
I'll do anything to make them smile n never dissapoint them.. I can't stand ppl being dissapointed at me...
I love my frenz... their Nice n Cool!
I lurve em... I miss em...
I'm a person who loves sports n I love God..
Cause God Loves Me...
hehehe... I love ya'all like how god loves me...
Kinda good in sports... Active person... kinda gets crazy when it cums to making u laugh...
Advisor... Learning Piano ( not that good at it ) but still...
Learning Drums Guitar Violin... but violin seems a bit hard...
Soprano Sax... kinda weird without a band.. hahaha...
then... I joined choir last year... this year maybe back to choir n joinin Volleyball club...
Lurve all da xtreme sports... events... cool sports... surfing skateboarding... skating...
Clubbing? hahahaha... neva tried...
Can't afford to buy things I want all along... but I'll get wat I need for sure...
I'm 13 going on 14...
Named JLoh was borned on da 21st of Sept...
Horoscope is...... VIRGO!
Lurve music ...sports.. chocolate! ... spiders! ... n my cousin Sam!
Best Bro's I eva wished for...
Best Parents that every1 will want...
Oh yah..
I'm an open minded person..
so maybe u'll get a shock ... haha..
Love Huggiezzz...
Hugs! hehe..
I'll alwayz be there for ya'all if ya need me...
Juz Call my name..
JLoh will be there...
p.s... help me with my blog... hahahaha... thxxxx....

1 comment:

JLoh Rox said...

Actually.. that's not my birth date..
lolz.. juz so u noe..
it's fake..
hahahaa.. take care ppl..