Saturday, July 7, 2007

Da Pestaria !

Hey Everybody ! Sorry man..
it's been quite sum time sinced I've last posted.. lolz..
Man! I had lotsa fun in da pestaria at Sentosa..
okay well..
I was suppose to shop n walk around but instead..
I was helping out on selling drinks..
unbelieveble ei?
We sold out Marshmellows deeped in Chocolate sos.. n lotsa drinks.. lolz..
Man... how nice is that?
hmm... I was there by 8am n went back by 3pm after the lucky draw..
awwwww.... I didn't get da prizeeee... T.T..
anyway.. It was a whole lot of fun but I'm sure alot of ppl didn't finish using their coupons..
I missed da Rumah Hantu!
I didn't get to go..
the que was sooooooooooooooooo freaking long...
it'll take a long time to get to my turn so I gav up on it..
Here's sum pics taken in Sentosa..
U can see the exhausted faces..
Tired Indeed .. we were da best selling shop n the hardworking crew..
it was worth it though ... =D

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